Thursday, February 24, 2011

#05 - Classic self hypnosis n.2

Sissy Trainer n.2


  1. hi Lola, thanks to write for your impressions.
    kisses too

  2. lol, you are a fabolous intriguing sissy!
    i love what you have said! ;D

  3. I tried to have sex with my wife and couldn´t get hard. she had to turn on an IR Porn to get me hard. My wife laughed at me. Finally I came within seconds, and she was really disgusted. I could not satisfy her, and felt soooo good about that. I fucked her then with huge realistic black dildo to orgasms, until she couldnt not more. she then said, the dildo is more man, as i am. Amen!
    Thank you Anna! Kisses, Lola

  4. Lola, i didnt understood if this story makes you happy or sad..
    i had the same situation everytime i tried to make love with a woman, and in a certain part of my life it was really dramatic and tragic! i felt myself a real zero! but it wasnt a pleasant humiliation, otherwise a real nightmare!
    a big kiss from Anna

  5. Lola, about me, i think this is not a problem now!
    however thanks for your words and this personal tale!
    i love you are happy with your wife, i wish to you two the best!

  6. Thank you Darling!
    I can´t wait to get more black cock training to get totally addicted and finally useless as male. Then I can stay my wifes maid, and enjoy together with her our black masters. Oh!!! Only the tought of that, make me drip into my tight panties! Kisses, Lola


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Kisses Anna

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