Thursday, December 1, 2011

#741 - Seduced by a Shemale by Felicia Lightner

Another space dedicated to my dear and lovely friend, Felicia..
her ability and prolificacy are legendary..
but she is not only an hypno movie maker..
she have a lot of truly heart.. to donate.. her sensitivity in her own creation!
lightness and intimate richness.. a special mix that i find everytime into Felicia!
so nice to fantasize to make love with a shemale..
and it's not so far from our imagination, isn't it?!
enjoy this beautiful clip and her beautiful site!

Anna Malice

ps don't miss the wonderful premiere of tomorrow night! ;)


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  2. Absolutely LOVE your blog
    Amazing seletion of vids...

    Keep up the great work!

    Kara x x x

  3. Thank You for your return.
    I miss You and your very exciting blog

  4. I would love that to happen to me by a shemale b4 I become one myself, one day soon i hope. I totally agree with Anna's comments on Felicia's vids. SHe has never made a bad one either btw in my opinion.

    Thanks Anna & HUGE Thanks Felicia for your hardwork & time making this video.

    Love ya both very much -Noel xoxo


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Kisses Anna

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