Thursday, December 29, 2011

#825 - It is okay to be feminine

well, tonight a soft hypnotic suggestion..
just to not forget.. that you are not strange..
that you are not different.. and you are not a freak!
Because being a sissy.. is not the worst thing of the world
rather.. it's a lovely and delicious thing..
what's better to being more pretty.. and more attractive for men?!
what's better to satisfying your sissy needs..?!?
it's ok to be feminine.. of course.. why not?!
but that's not enough.. you must be more feminine as possible!
yes, you are a genetic woman inside..
and if it means you are gay also.. what's wrong?!
go along with your sissy nature.. don't be shy..
give into your secret unconfessable desires!! ;))

Anna Malice


  1. This kind of video is very important. How else do we hope to attract big, virile, masculine Men, if we don't think of ourselves as beautiful, feminine women? Thank you, Anna. xoxo

  2. Great vid. I needed that hehe. Thanks Anna, Love your blog. Your awesome! xoxo

  3. Awesome vid. So many beautiful girls that I want to be & be with & etc. That mantra is great & I like vids like this although there are only a few of them. I love you for posting this Anna. Many thanks & much love from Noel xoxo


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